Over to you! Practise creating lists, justifying text and adjusting spacing


  1. Place your cursor at the end of the last sentence (after the exclamation mark) and press Enter twice.
  2. On the new line, type the words Puppy Love.
  3. Change the font of the Puppy Love text to Arial Narrow.
  4. Make the text bold and increase the font size to 14.
  5. Justify Puppy Love so that it’s centred on the page and then press Enter.
  6. The cursor will still be centred. Select the Left Justify button to place the cursor to the left of the page.
  7. On the new line, type the following text: My puppy loves to eat:
  8. The text will have taken on the style of the Puppy Love heading so select ‘My puppy loves to eat:’ and change it so that the font size is 12 and the text is not bold.
  9. After the word ‘eat:’, press Enter so that the cursor is on a new line.
  10. Select the Bullets button to create your first bullet.
  11. At the insertion point, type the word pumpkin and then press Enter.
  12. On the new line, type lettuce and then press Enter.
  13. On the new line, type sausages and then press Enter.
  14. On the new line, type treats and then press Enter three times.
  15. Type the word Schedule and make it bold. (We’ll come back to this in the next exercise!)
  16. Go back and select the text ‘My puppy loves to eat:’ as well as the four bullet points below it.
  17. Change the spacing to be 1.5.
  18. Save your document.

Your document should now look something like this: