Do your employees sometimes lack the motivation to come to work?

Are you looking for ways to enhance employee engagement and commitment?

You’re not alone! Building a committed and engaged workforce is a common challenge for employers.

Understanding what drives your employees is crucial. Some employees may be emotionally committed, finding purpose and passion in their work, while others may be primarily motivated by rational factors like compensation. Nurturing emotional commitment is important, as it has been shown to be four times more powerful in maintaining productivity than rational commitment.

Hiring the RIGHT people

Hiring the right people is paramount to building a highly engaged workforce.

The importance of hiring individuals who align with your organisation’s values and culture cannot be overstated.

When you bring in candidates who share your company’s vision and beliefs, you lay the foundation for a committed team. Utilising screening tools like psychometric testing can help you assess candidates’ compatibility with your existing team members and identify those who are likely to thrive in your work environment. By making strategic hiring decisions, you increase the chances of attracting individuals who are not only skilled but also enthusiastic about their work.

Hiring the right people sets the stage for fostering a culture of commitment and amplifies the positive impact on employee engagement and overall organisational success.

It starts from the top.

Creating a culture of commitment starts from the top. Encourage a positive and supportive work environment where employees feel valued and their contributions are recognised. Foster open communication, provide opportunities for growth and development, and empower employees to take ownership of their work.

Create a sense of belonging and shared purpose. Promote collaboration, celebrate achievements, and provide a clear vision for the future.

Remember, building employee commitment takes time and effort. It’s an ongoing process of nurturing relationships, creating a positive work environment, and aligning goals.

By prioritising employee engagement and commitment, you can create a team that is motivated, dedicated, and eager to contribute to the success of your organisation.

Let us help you build and nurture your dream team today!  Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions.

Next Geelong HR Roundtable. 31st May, 2023 Regional Talent Attraction & Acquisition – winning strategies for unearthing Talent in today’s talent short market. Will we see you there?

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