Mental health and employee wellbeing continues to be an area of focus for many employers.

The Geelong HR Roundtables of 2019 on the topic “Mental Health and Mental Injury in the Workplace” and “Cultivating Resilience” were both well oversubscribed. To accommodate the region’s, continuing need in the area of mental health and wellbeing,  we have added additional programs and added to our facilitation team to provide employers with the tools and resources to best manage their employees’ mental, health and wellbeing.

Harvest Talent Recruitment & People solutions is committed to supporting the physical and mental wellbeing of all employees by providing an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which offers employees access to professional and confidential counselling.

Harvest give back

Harvest are very generous with their contribution to the local HR community providing regular opportunities for learning, networking and sharing. The topics are always relevant and the speakers are of good quality and experience.

Leanne P
Building and cultivating resilience is…

Building and cultivating resilience is such an important aspect of both our personal and professional lives. Melanie’s experience and knowledge was very evident in this thought provoking workshop.

Jennifer G
An informative event with good…

An informative event with good presenters. I found the event to be very beneficial.

I think the workforce planning session…

I think the workforce planning session was great, very informative

The 'Workforce Management in Crisis'…

The ‘Workforce Management in Crisis’ webinar series was an added bonus to access. In a time of rapid change due to COVID-19 and information coming in thick and fast from multiple areas, it was valuable to have these sessions available. Thank you Harvest HR for this series and the great work you have done in establishing a comprehensive Professional Development program for HR professionals in the Geelong region!

Great Presentations!

Both speakers were fantastic- informative, interesting and great presenters. Well worth coming to, I would like to come again and would highly recommend the HR Round table to others.

Donna H

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Support provided through the Harvest EAP strategy, offers confidential, professional assistance to an employee.

Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions recognises the importance of providing support for employees experiencing personal or work related issues and concerns to maintain a safe and healthy working environment. EAP provides a short-term solution focussed intervention strategy, and is designed to give employees the opportunity to promptly address issues of immediate concern to them. The EAP can assist employees who require longer-term assistance to source an appropriate alternative provider.

The EAP service provided will be paid for by Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions and includes the following:

  • Face to Face, Telephone, or online counselling
  • 6 counselling sessions

The EAP is available to give assistance for work related and personal issues which can include the following:

  • dealing with work or life change
  • interpersonal conflicts at work
  • bullying and harassment
  • concerns about anxiety, depression, anger management or other mental health issues
  • relationship issues
  • personal trauma
  • family difficulties
  • issues related to becoming a parent or adjusting to being a parent
  • work and family life balance
  • financial concerns
  • health matters
  • alcohol or substance abuse; gambling or other addictions and
  • coping or dealing with grief and/or loss

Services provided by the EAP to employees are strictly confidential except when matters arise that have serious implications for the workplace, or the safety and wellbeing of the employee or others. In these circumstances, feedback may be disclosed to Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions.

Access to the EAP service is either on a self-referral basis, or may be offered to the employee by management. Harvest Talent Recruitment & People Solutions may obtain statistical data from the EAP from time to time however such data will not include names of any employee utilising EAP services.


Making Change Happen

The importance of self-awareness, mental health and resilience in the workplace. Full Day Workshop

This one day* professional development program will provide participants with a breadth of knowledge, interactive learning and insights to identify, respond and facilitate best practice in both workplace and for self.

This one day program, consists of an online module that once completed together with your full day participation in the program will see you accredited with Mental Health Victoria as an accredited Mental Health First Aider.

The program is interactive with a maximum of 25 participants with a full days program and full program resources provided.

Learning Objectives (Technical)

  • Identify what is resilience
  • Learn and Develop strategies to become more resilient
  • Understand self and behavioural triggers
  • Recognise the important of a safe, transparent and supportive workplace
  • Best Practice versus Standard practice, build your own toolkit
  • Become an accredited Mental Health First Aider (upon completion of online learning component)

Key highlights

  • Interactive
  • Small group discussions
  • Multiple facilitators providing you with various perspectives
  • Practical – apply the tools immediately
  • Gain Mental Health First Aider Accreditation

Participant Experience

Our Facilitators bring a practical and experiential approach. Participants will learn by accessing their own experiences in addition to hearing case studies and stories from the facilitators and the lessons they’ve personally learned along the way.

Participants will feel empowered to take control of their work and life journey and be able to respond to their own behavioural triggers and become aware of others’ needs and know the steps to take to ensure a psychological safe workplace.

Harvest HR & People Solutions can co-create and co-design consulting, mentoring, facilitation and support for your organisation. To arrange a discovery session or to access our subject matter experts please contact Director, Maree Herath on 1300 363 128.

See what we can offer

If you just need some support and guidance, the Harvest team is happy to help you out with any stage of your recruitment cycle. This includes everything from crafting Position Descriptions, advertisements and sourcing strategies, screening applications, identifying great candidates, telephone screening and shortlisting, interviewing and reference checking.

Contact us

Connecting Geelong businesses with
the best talent.

We are people helping other people. This is the centre of everything we do at Harvest. And, we will never give up; we will push for results and strive for perfection. We won’t stop until it’s done.

Get in touch

Working from Home Essentials Pack

I would like to purchase a Working from Home Essentials Pack at $49.95 + GST. Please contact me to arrange delivery.

Workforce Management in Crisis Pack

I would like to purchase a Workforce Management in Crisis Pack at $99.95 + GST. Please contact me to arrange delivery.