Looking for a new job can be daunting for anyone, but it can be especially challenging for women over 50. Here’s some job hunting tips.

Age discrimination is unfortunately still prevalent in many workplaces, and older workers, particularly women, may find it more difficult to secure employment.

However, if you’re a woman over 50 looking for a new job, there are things you can do to increase your chances of success. Here’s our top tips:

1. Update your resume

Make sure your resume is up-to-date and showcases your skills and experience in a positive light. Highlight your most recent accomplishments and focus on the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for.

2. Network

Reach out to people in your industry or field who you know, and let them know you’re looking for a new job.

Attend networking events, join professional organisations, and use social media to connect with others in your field.

3. Be flexible

Consider job opportunities that may not be exactly what you’re looking for, but that could be a good fit. Be open to different types of work arrangements, such as part-time or freelance work, as these can be a great way to get your foot in the door and build new skills.

4. Focus on your strengths

Don’t let age hold you back. Instead, focus on your strengths and the value you can bring to a potential employer. Highlight your experience and skills that are unique to your age and background.

5. Practice your interview skills

Brush up on your interview skills and practice answering common interview questions. Be confident, but also be honest about your experience and what you can bring to the role.

Remember, finding a new job can take time, so be patient and persistent. Don’t give up if you don’t get a job right away. Keep networking and applying for positions, and eventually, you’ll find the right opportunity for you.

Good luck!

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