Mindset Matters. People’s perspective through times of adversity really makes a difference. Jem Fuller explains.

Harvest is a big fan of Mindset & Resilience Coach and creator of his NDS critically acclaimed “Resilience Course” – Jem Fuller.

The one thing we can actually control in times of adversity – when times are challenging, difficult or stressful –  is our mindset. Jem Fuller explains.

Jem’s tips on changing your mindset:

1. Hone your focus

“I remember when we were looking to buy a new blue Ford Focus” Jem reflects “we started to see so many of them on the road”.

The essence is what you focus on will come up more readily in your day to day. And you have the controls. You can choose to focus on the restrictions imposed, the challenge and stress and created by our constantly changing environment or flip the focus on what is possible.

Jem reflected that when COVID hit all his clients and workshops were done face to face. He was hoping it would pass (quickly) and he would resume his workshops. One month was turning into several and Jem was paralysed; on JobKeeper and waiting. He had to refocus his own mind. Jem started offering webinars and providing coaching on-line. Jem has just recorded his best year in business, and it was his focus on possibility that created this.

While it’s easy and almost natural to have negative thoughts Jem challenged us to circuit break this.

To do this place Post It notes where you habitually are in the morning. Whether on the mirror where you brush your teeth. On the coffee machine or kettle. This is to remind yourself to reset your focus, to have a planned response to challenges that come your way or simply to meditate before your day gets underway.

2. The CIA acronym

This will guide you where to put your energy:

C = Control
What do you have total control over? Where can you make changes? What can you stop, start or continue doing?
“Here,” Jem says, “is where you want to put 100% of your energy”. You can control the situation and the outcome.

I = Influence
You may not have total control but you do have influence over a decision, circumstance or outcome.
An example, is voting. You can control how you vote; how you interact with party representatives who are handing out flyers, but you only have an influence on the election result. Only put the amount of energy according to the measure of influence you have over the outcome. No more.

A = Accept
If you have no control nor influence over a situation this is where you must accept. So much of your time and energy can be wasted on stressing, agonising, complaining about things that you can’t control. Divert your energy away from unnecessary thinking and move back to the C&I spaces.

We need to assess daily what falls into each of these spheres.

3. Lucky

Do you believe you’re lucky? If you, do you will come across good luck.

Jem spoke of two groups, one who believed they were lucky and one not. They were given a paper full of pictures and had to count the number of pictures. If correct would receive a $200 prize.

There was a tiny note on the next page that told the answer.

The Lucky group found the note more readily and received the prize while those unlucky were meticulously counting the pictures.

Gratitude is the same. If you are thankful for what you have (and in our first world country, there is plenty) you will be happier and more content.

4. Purpose

Do you have meaning? What are you here for? What do you care about? What’s your passion?

If you don’t have a mission then Jem suggested to stop now and take your time to determine what it is you’re on this planet for.

For Jem it’s “Make life easier”. For him, this is his true north. What’s yours?

The reason we need purpose and meaning as this is the fuel that keeps us going when times are bad, life is tough or when things don’t go our way.

Burrow into your purpose.

5. Lighten your grip

Ask yourself “What can you differently” … that can change your state of mind for the better?

Perhaps something you’re controlling so tightly doesn’t need that tight a grip. Relax, let go and you may see other ways to look at your situation. You may be surprised and your world a little lighter for doing so.

Webinar Replay

We had just recorded a COVID zero-infection day in Victoria and the future was looking bright so perhaps it wasn’t the day to address why a healthy mindset can change your perspective in times of adversity. But wham…the next night Victoria was plunged into yet another lockdown. One thing that is certain in a COVID world is that uncertainty will rein supreme and really, the one thing we can actually control is our mindset.

Although this Webinar was recorded in 2021, Jem’s tips are still relevant today.

Mindset Matters with Jem Fuller.  30 minute Webinar replay. Click here to watch.

Where to from here?

Mental health and employee wellbeing is now one of the top issues facing employers today. As such, it’s high on the agenda at Harvest HR & People Solutions.

That’s why we continue to collaborate with qualified professionals who can deliver mental health and employee wellbeing online workshops to workplaces.

For more information on workshops for your organisation, please contact Harvest HR & People Solutions.

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