First impressions count.  But, what do I wear to a job interview to create the best impression?

Preparation is the key to putting together your best “hire – me” outfit.

Do your research, learn as much about the organisation as you can and dress accordingly.


Here’s a few useful tips:


Professional business attire.

If the role is in an office environment, opting for a suit, shirt and jacket including tie conveys professionalism.

For women, this could also mean a blouse, dress pants or a statement dress.


Casual business attire.

For the more informal work environment, you might go more casual.  A business casual outfit is less formal than a suit, maybe you could do without the tie.


Casual attire.

These days, many companies, especially start-up companies or more creative roles such as IT or Marketing opt for a relaxed but presentable dress code.

Think relaxed-fit pants, dark-wash jeans and a casual but tidy shirt.

For women, this could mean a neat skirt and top.

Tidy jeans and a polo shirt, or practical skirt and top if you’re applying for an industrial, building or trades role is perfect.

What to wear to a job interview

It’s competitive out there.  Make sure you are up to date especially if you have been out of the workforce for some time and your wardrobe reflects it! You may just need to invest in some fashion-forward clothes to wear to your interview.

A good tip is to lay your clothes out the evening before your interview so that way you know everything is clean, pressed and there are no missing buttons.

Shoes count too. Clean and polished.

And, don’t forget – no bad hair days.  Make sure your hair is clean and tidy – your hairstyle should not distract the interviewer.

Go easy on perfume and aftershave.  You don’t want that to be the first or last thing your interviewer notices about you!

Don’t overdo make-up and keep accessories to a minimum.

A good guide is – always dress a bit more professional that the average employee in the organisation and remember – it’s better to slightly overdress rather than underdress.

If in doubt, ask whoever arranged your interview what the dress code is.

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