A poignant topic for this coming year in 𝗣𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 is how organisations are approaching hybrid working.

The pandemic created new opportunities and challenges when it comes to the way we work. One thing that is certain is that the traditional work model is gone.

COVID did not discriminate between the size/s of companies and the impact that was felt was dependent on the industry and those industry’s supply chains. Most businesses however have started to emerge from hibernation, move forward and adapt to a new way of working.

It’s a new way of doing business, a new way of interacting with clients and staff  management. Along with this comes a whole new range of HR challenges.

Many employers have taken the big leap of faith on home and remote working. Could it be done? Were employees as efficient and productive at home as they are in the workplace. The answer, for the majority, was an unequivocal “YES”.

Many workplaces already had the technology and connectivity for remote working, but could businesses still achieve the collaboration, teamwork and communication amidst home working. Again, using a host of platforms such as Zoom, Webex, Microsoft Teams and Skype, businesses have shown themselves capable of keeping the sense of team amidst the crisis.

While some parents will bare the scars of homeschooling and having little ones at home, routines were established and parents have for the most part, balanced work and home life. Many employers will continue to embrace more flexible working arrangements.

COVID has presented an exciting opportunity where work and life can truly intertwine. Hybrid working is here to stay.


The Challenging discussion points

  • Hybrid working requires a pathway to engage employees and retain them.  Those coming from home working being “forced” to go back to the office will lead to resignations and going to an organisation that will offer what employees want (home/hybrid)
  • In the pandemic some worked well and could autonomously deliver in a remote work from home scenario, others failed. How will this be managed moving forward and what is the best to lead people given this?
  • How to manage workflow (without it being over-bearing) and seeing results.
  • Then there’s the all important connection piece. How to ensure your employees feel a sense of connection, not isolation.

These issues and more are discussed in our February 2022 HR Roundtable.


HR Roundtable | People Management in a Hybrid World

In Harvest’s February 24 HR Roundtable, we are privileged to access guest speakers who herald from our region’s largest employers.

Deakin University, Program Director of Blended Working, Rachael Ruiz will share her experience and strategy around Deakin’s “Blended Work” program.

Wayne Robertson, ex L&D Director from Wesfarmers and currently with US company (YPO) will expand on how hybrid working works with international organisations as well as maintaining team dynamics and mental health in this new working arrangement.


This session is perfect for HR Professionals and anyone who manages people. All welcome. Join us in person or online Harvest Events. 

Recording of the HR Roundtable also available for purchase $45.

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