You’ve just received your ATAR and you have options.  Is it time to seek some professional career advice?

Harvest Careers, Geelong can help you determine a career path that is right for you.

Do you remember sitting in the one class you ever had with your schools career advisor?

They wrote up a formula on the white board and asked you to fill in the equation with what you thought we would achieve as a study score (a number out of 50, the average being 30) for each of your subjects. You confidently put in a combination of 35’s & 40’s, calculated the results and slumped over in complete disbelief …. you could only manage a mere 70 something enter score with the above combination of study scores (and you were hoping for an 85 for the Uni courses you wanted to get into).

The reason for your complete complexity was not really because you thought an enter score of 70 was bad, but because you  couldn’t comprehend how the process worked and were not presented with any options or strategies as to how to work towards the careers you sought via the degree you needed to do.

You probably came home that night deflated and anxious. Many parents are also irritated with schools lack of support, guidance and facilitation by the careers advisor.

Now you have your ATAR, you need to know there are options.

Need to find out what options are available to you?  Book a session with a professional careers advisor who can offer relevant, real life advice. And, if you’re tossing up between Uni, Work or Travel, check out our blog on What to do after VCE? 

Career Advice for School Leavers

Yes, it may cost a little more money but from the results we see, there is only so much an in house careers advisor will have offered you. Not only will a session with a professional careers advisor offer you pathways to your choice of career, we will assess your passions, strengths and desires and seek to inform you of alternative career pathways that you may have not yet considered.

The most valuable thing we can do is help you put everything into perspective.

Contact Harvest Careers for a chat with our experienced Career Specialist, tel: 1300 363 128


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